Friday, August 17, 2012

The importance of Jesus-centered preaching

I am a high-maintenance Christian.  I am easily flustered, derailed, unhinged, distracted, and driven to despair.  I pay too much attention to my lying emotions and self-centered thoughts.

One of the most effective "means of grace" in my life has been good preaching.  (When I say "good preaching", I mean preaching that gets my eyes off of myself and onto Jesus, preaching that is charactorized by Bible exposition.)  I spend a lot of time listening to sermons on my iPod.  I have noticed that the Scotsmen and Irishmen are particularly good at preaching.
Here's a list of my favorite preachers that I have found on iTunes:

  • Alistair Begg - "Truth For Life" radio program
  • Collin Smith - "Unlocking The Bible" radio program
  • Sinclair Ferguson - First Presbyterian Church of Columbia, SC
  • St. George's Tron Church - Glasgow, Scotland
  • Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor , Ireland
Their preaching focuses on what Jesus has done, is doing, and will do.  They emphasize our union with Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian's life.  They do not moralize and add new burdens to their listener's backs.  Their preaching is life-giving.

I also enjoy reading devotionals by Charles Spurgeon (Engishman)  and Andrew Murray (South African).  Their writing is so pastoral and nurturing.

I feel blessed to belong to a church fellowship (Bethlehem Baptist Church) that has consistently good preaching.

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